Nemaura SugarBEAT – competition in the CGM world at last???
“10 out of 10 people with diabetes would prefer a fully functioning pancreas…” – the results of a small poll of the #DOC
My Diabetes, my way* or “How to set up bike handlebars”
Engaging and disengaging with @NHSDiabetes – how to make it a Romeo and Juliet story?
Type 1 Diabetes and Me. The story of a Diabetic life – the teenageyears and University #gbdoc #DOC
“Bounty” cake – a little taste of paradise…
Diabulimia – and the propensity for eating disorders with T1 diabetes
Keep on jabbing, keep on testing… * – The psychological effects of a diabetes diagnosis
Ah, ah, ah, ah, Staying Alive, Staying Alive…. Well Beta Cells anyway…
Which pump should I choose? How do I choose? Oh let me count the ways…