Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults – LADA – The Other (but more prevalent form of) Autoimmune Diabetes…
#freestylelibre – How Libre changes glucose testing behaviour and the cost implications
The risks adherent in Diabetes Technology – why #wearenotwaiting is the right thing to do
Apparently, “Even small improvements in blood glucose levels can save the NHS loads of money” Not if you do the sums.
Deconstructing the myths surrounding a Low Carb diet and Type 1 diabetes – why it’s another useful tool
The UK National Diabetes Audit results are in. Change is in the wind, but there’s still a storm in the offing.
Whose Diabetes is it anyway?
Close encounters of the worst kind – an everyday encounter with @NHSDiabetes
Crowd Sourcing Diabetes Data – an extension of @NightscoutFdn for patient led clinical trials? #WeAreNotWaiting
Targeting insulin at the liver where it should be – Hepatocyte-Delivered Vesicle for Insulin