I removed the i-Port last night after five days use. I’m confident it would have lasted for a good 2-3 more days, but decided to take it out anyway. It has been replaced with an Insuflon device, which is very similar to a pump set and anyone who has been on an intravenous drip will recognise them.
Factors I noted on the removal of the i-Port:
- The very tip of the cannula was slightly crumpled – it looks as though either it crumpled on the way in or it was being squashed against muscle under the fat. It was only a 6mm perpendicular cannula so I suspect that a 9mm one wouldn’t really work. I will try it and see.
- The area around the site was in good condition on removal.
Applying the Insuflon device, this one goes in at an angle. Again, no drama with application – it’s only a needle after all, but the way it is applied requires a little thought to make injecting into it more straightforward.Reading the literature, these have been used for 7 days for insulin infusion, so I expect to get longer out of it that the i-Port.
Noticeable differences between the two systems
The first thing that I’ve picked up on is that the Insuflon is less easy to inject into, as the port lies along the skin rather than parallel with it. It’s not a huge issue, but should be borne in mind.
The second is that the rate of insulin absorption is different. Going into the i-Port device, it was clearly taking about 15 mins for insulin to take effect. Via the Insuflon, it was roughly 35. I assumed this was down to the depth under the skin the cannula is placed, and that the 6mm i-port was practically into muscle.
24 hours later, however, the absorption rate from the Insuflon device is right back up there with the i-Port, so I suspect that on application there is a small amount of inflammation that affects absorption which subsides quite quickly.
The other thing I noted is that due to the way the Insuflon device works, every time you inject into it, you slightly waggle the cannula, which isn’t something that happens with the i-Port. It could cause some form of reaction at the skin entry point, in spite of the adhesive pad holding it in place.
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