Pre-Christmas I checked in for a review of my body transformation, to see where my body fat had got to. Measuring in at 89kg, my body fat turned out to be 13.1%, just in time for a Christmas glutton-fest.
A slight loss in muscle gains had occurred alongside, but it was still a pretty effective measure. Keeping the carbs low-ish is clearly having an impact, and I am seeing the benefits with a leaner, fitter me.
So now, post Christmas, it’s back on it with a vengeance. Hit the gym, lift heavier weights to push the muscle mass back on and keep trying to reduce that fat level to below 10% so that I can really see those abs. We’ve six weeks of hard push to go and at the end of it, I fully intend to photograph the results, if they are good, and show it off properly!
On we go!
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