This marketplace is provided to allow those with loopable pumps and supplies to make them available to others. The owners of this site take no responsibility for the content of the adverts nor the items for sale.
Any purchase is an agreement solely between the supplier and the purchaser. Please do the appropriate due diligence on anything you may consider taking on. Any purchase is done so at your own risk.
Any advert placed will need to be approved by the admin team before it is made visible.
Any offered item needs to include photos of the item.
All pumps offered as loopable need to specify firmware and show a photo of the firmware level on the pump screen.
Any CGM items offered will need to include proof of purchase showing self-funding.
Please include price in local currency (if required) within the text of your advert.
If these conditions are not met, the ad will be rejected.
Roche AccuChek Combo pump - brand new
Total views: 420
Price: 500.00